Welcome to Bonnie’s D.R.E.A.M home... the one she’s been dreaming about for over a decade and planning for the last 5 years. Growing up with ‘renovating parents’, Bon has been surrounded by reno inspo her whole life. This ‘buy, renovate, sell’ lifestyle saw Bon move from house to house and as inconvenient as that sounds, she absorbed so much invaluable knowledge along the way. A long time ago (well before Pinterest was invented) Bon started cataloguing ideas in her mind of what SHE would do one day... if it were her home!
Well that day has come… #bonniesdreamhome #moderncoastalbarn #threebirdsrenoeight
“Prepare yourself people... I have dogs, kids, cows and dirt coming out of my ears in this reno but I know it will be worth it. Hold onto your hats gang, she’s a ripper and I hope you love her as much as I do xx”
This is what we were working with.... Traditional 90's red brick.