Hi mums (& dads)! Looking for something creative and constructive to keep your kids busy? Well, here’s an activity to get your kids’ creative juices flowing and imagination running wild, while learning a handy new life skill – how to create a vision board!
Vision boarding is one of our favourite things we teach in our online Reno School course and it’s super fun to do, for adults and kids too. My daughter Ruby has just started high school and has been working on a vision board to create her dream bedroom. It seems the one I designed for her 3 years ago is in drastic need of a ‘teenage’ update ;-)
Are you ready to let your kiddo(s) have a go?
Hi kids! A vision board is a bit like a collage that you might make at school but it uses both pictures and words to create a scene. It’s going to help you tell a story about how you want your bedroom to look and feel.
We’re going to teach you how in 4 easy steps. Let’s go!
Step One - First, answer these questions to help you get started
+ What changes do you want to make to your bedroom?
E.g. I’d like more space to study or I’d like another bed for a friend to sleep over.
+ What’s your current bedroom like?
E.g. Messy and crowded.
+ Why do you want to change it?
E.g. I don’t want to share with my younger sibling anymore.
+ How do you like spending your time in your bedroom?
E.g. I like lying on my bed listening to music.
+ Do you have a favourite friend’s bedroom or one that you’ve seen that you love?
If the answer is yes, write down what your love about it. Are there things you’d like the same in your own bedroom? If yes, what?
+ What is something you must have in your dream bedroom?
E.g. Bunk beds, blue walls
+ What are some things that would be nice to have/make you happier?
E.g. Fairy lights on the ceiling
+ Is there one thing about your current bedroom that you would like to never see again?
Eg. The pink walls I’ve had since I was a baby
Step Two - What does your dream bedroom look like?
Now it’s time to collect your ideas! Perhaps you’ve seen some gorgeous bedrooms in magazines around the house? Remember to ask before you rip! Or maybe you could go online? You’ll find millions of inspiring pictures on Pinterest that you can ‘pin’ to a board of your own. Think about the words you used to describe your dream bedroom above to help you search, for example “bunk beds” or “pink bedroom” or “teenage retreat” might bring up the sort of images you’re looking for.
This step is about collecting lots of images that you love.
Step Three - Let’s create your Vision Board!
Finally, it’s time to start building your dream bedroom vision board. Creating your perfect vision board takes time but the best thing about it is that you can keep adding to it and changing it over time.
First, you need to work out if you prefer to cut and glue images to a big piece of cardboard or pin them to a pin board, or if you want to create a digital board on a computer. All of these ways are perfectly fine! If you’re going digital, you might want to check out a website called Canva to collect your images together on one page or PowerPoint or any other collage tool is fine as well.
Once you’ve decided how you’re going to create your collage, it’s time to get going.
Look back over all the words you’ve written above and all the images you’ve collected because they’re going to help you now.
1. Have a go at writing your dream bedroom vision in 3 words. For example, you might write “pretty pink bedroom” or “modern kids retreat”
2. Write how you want to feel in your dream bedroom. You might write “relaxed and calm” or “creative and inspired”
3. Come up with a hashtag for your dream bedroom. It could be something like #calmroominthechaos or #rubysrelaxingroom. This will help you explain your vision to everyone else.
4. Look back to the pictures you collected and choose your 5-10 favourites to add to your vision board. Check that these match with the words you’ve written in 1-3 above.
5. Now it’s time to pin your words and pics on your vision board. How did you go? Do you LOVE what you see?
Step Four - It’s time to share your dreams
Once you’re done, it’s time to share! Make your vision board the screensaver on your computer or pop it on your wall so that you can keep updating it as you come across more inspiration. You can present it to your family over dinner, and maybe use it to convince your mum or dad to let you paint that wall or get that new rug. If they understand what you’re trying to achieve, they’re more likely to say “yes”. Share your vision board with your friends via Zoom and share it with us too! We’d love it if you asked a parent to share your work of art on Instagram and tag us @threebirdsrenovations so that we can see it and share it too!