Styling is the quickest way to give your home a boost and we’ve got just the ideas to help you give it a zjoosh this weekend. The good news is that you can use items you already have or if you’re up for a shopping spree for a few new items to reinvigorate the space, that’s fine too - don’t forget your Three Birds Dream Discount Card!!

Grab your magic styling wand and let’s get cracking! 🪄



A sideboard has to be one of the most versatile pieces of furniture you could have in your home - it looks good in any style of home and any room of the house but so often sideboards become dumping grounds for keys, bags and TV remotes. Start by removing EVERYTHING, including the artwork or mirror behind it. Give it a good wipe down and let’s get started with these super simple tips for styling a sideboard:


Having a hero piece on the wall above the sideboard is a no-brainer because it’s going to create a focal point. This wall hero could be a gorgeous print (or gallery of prints), a stunning mirror or a textural feast with something like a juju hat. Once you know what you’re going to place above the console, your next decision is where to position it – centred or off-centre. There is no ‘right’ way here, it really just depends on what will look better with the decorative pieces you’re going to use and whether you want to create symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. Both can look beautiful, but we usually gravitate towards an asymmetrical look. It’s a little fresher and more relaxed, and we like that.


After you’ve chosen your wall hero (or heroes), the next thing you’re going to do is select a range of items to sit on the sideboard. An easy rule of thumb to follow is to choose things that vary in size so you end up with a good mix of heights and shapes. This creates visual interest and balance.


High - Adding height is probably the most important thing because it helps balance out the long, slimline dimensions of most sideboards. Our go-to is a vase of flowers or pretty branches, but a plant or a table lamp is also perfect for bringing in height. We also like to position our taller pieces so they overlap the wall art slightly, creating a visual connection. Sometimes, this high piece can pack such a punch it replaces the need for any wall art at all.

Medium - These are often sculptural objects. We love using empty vases, succulents, upright books or large candles.

Low - Pretty bowls, a string of clay beads, tiny candles, a small stack of books and sculptural objects from nature, like shells or coral, tend to be our fave options for this category.

Once you have your selection of items, arrange them in front of that wall hero to create balance and harmony. You don’t want everything sitting in a straight line (snoozefest!). Instead, create a bit of depth by pushing some of the taller items to the back a bit and bringing the lower-lying objects to the front. The key when styling these pieces is to cluster a few objects together.

How many ways can you style one sideboard? Here’s a few…


Top tip - more is not more when styling a sideboard. Too many pieces can make it look cluttered and messy.



The bed is a MAJOR styling moment in any bedroom and the bed linens you choose will have a huge impact on how the room looks and feels. Gorgeous cosy quilts, fluffy pillows and interesting textiles are the items that will make your bedroom look multidimensional and feel cosier. Nothing looks sadder than a bed with a thin doona and two tired pillows.


Sheets - When it comes to colour, it probably won’t come as a surprise to hear that we think you can’t go wrong with WHITE bed sheets. But it’s true! You can’t. If your vision board calls for colour, by all means, go for that but if in doubt, white is always right.

Valance - A valance is a decorative sheet designed to hang over the mattress and hide the bed base of an ensemble. Your nan might have had a frilly valance around her bed, but these days there are some simple, modern designs to suit every bedroom.

Doona - A ‘doona’ is what we Aussies call the big, warm, puffy thing on top of the bed that goes inside a pretty cover. But wherever you live and whatever you call it – doona, duvet or quilt – it’s a major part of your styling arsenal in this room. We love to upsize our doonas so there’s plenty of overhang to cover the mattress.

Throws - Throw on a throw or blanket to bring another layer of texture and colour to a bed. A big, chunky knit gives off cute, cosy vibes in winter, but in summer you can opt for a lighter fabric like linen.

Pillows & cushions - Now that sheets and doonas are ticked off your styling list, it’s time for some pillow talk. Pillows and cushions are where you can bring in some more personality through pattern and print. Wondering how many pillows to use? When it comes to king, queen or double beds, our answer is anywhere between 6 and 10. One of the easiest pillow/cushion combos to go with is 4 standard pillows at the back and 3 decorative cushions in front.

Why not use one of these beds for some inspo for your bedroom…



 Have you ever lusted over those beautifully styled coffee tables you see in glossy mags and wondered why your table looks more like a hot mess rather than damn hot? Yes? Well, let’s change that - pronto!



When you’re choosing pieces to style your table with, first think about the height. We usually go for one of two height options:

1) Choose objects that are different heights from each other to create some variation. For example, you might place something tall (like a plant) next to a mid-height item (like a large candle) and a low-lying piece (like a bowl or book).

2) Or you can style using objects of different shapes and textures that are the same height.

We’ve done both and both can look good.


Again, when it comes to shape, you have two options:

1) You can style using pieces that are the same shape to make a statement. For example, a decorative bowl next to a round candle on a round tray.

2) Or you can use objects with different shapes – say a mix of rectangular and round items – to create balance on the table.

We love both looks, so it comes down to personal preference.


It will depend on the size of your coffee table but as a rule of thumb 2 or 3 pieces works well most of the time. As your styling confidence grows, you can add more, but this is a good starting place. A stack of books counts as one piece and a bowl filled with beads one piece. A few small items clustered together on a tray can also be one piece…. you get the picture.

We’ve seen coffee tables absolutely packed with styling items but we prefer leaving some breathing space on the table so it doesn’t feel too busy. And, of course, you also want the table to be practical, so there should be enough room to put a glass down or accommodate family activities.


We always recommend styling your coffee table last, after everything else in the room is in place. This way you can make sure that the colour tones, textures and materials used on the items on the table work with the rest of the room. This isn’t the time to get bored with your vision board and try something new! Stick with the theme and colour palette of your room and use objects that make sense in that space.

We’ll often also add a touch of timber for warmth or brass for a bit of bling depending on what we feel it needs.


Now it’s time to bring your pieces together. Once you’ve got your selection of items, pop them one by one in the centre of the table. The key when styling these pieces is to cluster a few objects together around the centre of the table. You don’t want everything sitting in a straight line. If you’re using more than one stack of books you might create a square or rectangle with your pieces to balance the shape of the books.

This part takes lots of trial and error when you’re starting out so don’t get too worried if it doesn’t look magazine-worthy on your first attempt. Successful coffee table styling comes down to grouping things that look good together and the more you practice, the better you’ll get! The beauty of styling is that you can change it up as often as you wish.

Once you’re happy with your layout, stand back, admire and send a pic to a friend for their feedback.

Here are some quick and easy coffee table arrangements that might work for you…



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